Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Examples of risk management programs
The job:
inspecting power line towers by helicopter
The risks:
little margin for recovery if engine fails or performance is suddenly decreased, can drift into wire line because of high wind or low level turbulence. Remote area terrain that can be flat or mountainous. Wires near certain terrain can give off illusions that make wires disappear. Bad weather (rain, high winds, snow) can affect the job.
Mitigation efforts: To prevent any engine trouble the first step would be to focus extra attention to more frequent helicopter maintenance inspections and extra preflight inspections (more precise craft walk around), extra fuel testing via craft fuel sumps and fuel storage facility or truck. Extra care in reviewing all weather related data including winds. In addition, high level passes should be preformed first before lower level flying. Also, to address the issue of mountainous terrain the pilot should first get to know the area by make higher level passes first. To avoid any wire illusions, again the pilot should make high level passes and then approach lower and slower and always fly with a second pilot for extra eyes; in addition, the pilot should always make reference to where the neighboring wire towers are to estimate were the wire are. Lastly, the pilot should gain additional training and mentoring by veteran pilots before any Pilot in command time as an Power line inspection pilot.
Also,a good risk management program that can be applied to aviation or nonaviation activities is use of the IM SAFE checklist. IM SAFE checklist stands for Illness, medication, stress, alcohol, fatigue, and emotion. To reduce human error and accidents, anyone suffering from any of these factors should consider abstaining from the task
Ground Safety practices
Chocking an airplane wheels, tying down aircraft, installing engine intake covers, covering Pitot tubes, installing yoke lock, placing throttle locks, locking propellers, placement of ground equipment in designated area, via radio communications and hand signals between all ground crew and pilots are all examples of a ground safety practice that are commonly used at airports.
OHSA & EPA effecting ground handling.
In the past, it was a common practice to sump fuel from your tanks and conveniently dump it on the ground (grass, concrete, asphalt). Unfortunately, fuel is highly corrosive when dumped on asphalt and is a fire hazard when left on the ramp. The EPA now prohibits the dumping of any fuel directly on the ground and the penalty varies from state but is greater in states like Florida. The use of a Gats fuel sump help conserve fuel and recycles and filter fuel back to the tank. In addition, most of the majority of GA airports have placed fuel waste gas cans around all hangers and public parking. Sometimes it can be become cumbersome to locate one these of waste cans.
OHSA has effected ground handling by requiring ground crew to wear safety gear. For example, commercial JETA refuelers are required to wear hard hats since they are connecting heavy hosed fuel probes to high placed fuel port under the wings of commercial aircraft. In addition, reflective vests are worn to make works more conspicuous on the ramps. Steel toes shoe are used to protect feet. Approved ear protection are to used protect hearing. Protective glasses to protect eyes. Ear cups to protection hearing.
Human Factors errors
Human errors cause casual factors in accidents. One way to avoid and remedy human factor errors is be educated on the existence of them and try to avoid them. Here are several parts of human factors that are educated to students.
One way to understand Human Factor is to have knowledge of the Human Factor Model which gives a visual illustration of the interaction machine and humans. The model contains the 6 parts. This model can be applied to a cell phone. For example, Machine Display Component displays status information. Human Sensory Component vision would be seeing the displayed date. Human Cognitive Component is the user remembers how to use the phone. Human Muscular skeletal Component is the user holds/ manipulates phone. Machine Input Device Component the user receives data input via key presses or voice. In Machine CPU Component, the user process data. The Human Factors Model also touched on the subject of Human Variance measurement. This model also focuses on anthropometrics, Bio-mechanics, and performance. Overall the model is important to aviation safety because it shows the humans react with machines. This model can be applied to cockpit avionics as well.
In Usability Evaluation Factors, students are introduced to usability which depend how efficiently users cans access functionality of a system. In addition, user and human center design processes are focused on reviewed which talks about emphases support for the system operator and maintainer throughout the development, design, and test. In aviation, systems are designed for simplicity, efficiency of uses, and ease of availability
The Visual Displays factors seeks to explain the design of visual information displays (mainly human eye). This is important because vision if heavily relied on during flying and it give us the capacity for information to be received and processed. This is why the major of information is designed for the visual system. In aviation, systems and tools are designed for visual ease of use. Design a gear handle to look like a wheel is one approach.
Like Visual Display, Non-visual displays are reviewed because besides vision, hearing, touch, motion, smell, and taste are also used for information displays. Examples in auditory displays and use, auditory channel advantages and disadvantages, auditory system anatomy, sound science, sound physics, psycho-acoustics, basic principal of alarms, tactile and haptic displays, olfactory displays, environmental awareness, olfactory displays, and redundant coding are used in aircraft design. In aviation, a aircraft systems are equipped with sound alarms for easy of use in the cockpit.
In the Controls factors, the basic principles of control design are discussed. Controls are how the human communicate with the machine. The design of controls are important because they need to placed carefully so that they are effective, efficient, and safe with no room for error. The applications of control are reviewed which are manual activation, automated assist, voice activated, sensor activated, and manual computer control. The principles of reach, strength, body size, and coordination are addressed to how they make capability for the user. Visible placement, control coding, shape, feedback, compatibility, are transfer effect are all factors that principle that can change controls usefulness. Lastly, Control automation are used to increase productivity and precision. In aircraft, the use of autopilots have reduced pilot work load and have allowed other attention to tasks.
The Environment Factors are hold the theory that low environmental factors lead to optimum work place, increased performance, good health, and well being. The module discusses the factors of lighting, noise, and climate. Lighting factors can range from frequency of computer use, computer vision syndrome, glare, VDT recommendations. Also, Noise is bad because it can lead to hearing loss which should have limits of exposure and loss prevention. Lastly, Climate is discussed in the form of work environment. High Heat, high humidity, and extreme cold should be avoided and have poor health contributions as well as poor work performance. In aircraft, extensive designs have been implemented to give optimum environment conditional in the cockpit.
The cognition factor are defined as the basics of cognitive science that apply to Human Factors design. Cognition deals with acquisition of knowledge and processes by which sensory information is received, stored, retrieved, and used. The module addresses the factors of role attention, perception, memory, decision-making, and cognitive workload measurement. There are components to memory which are encoding, maintenance, and retrieval. In aviation, one way to avoid this factor is the use of checklist that help keep tasks in place. Also, pilots follow personal checklist called IM SAFE which stand for Illness, medication, stress, alcohol, fatigue, and emotion. If the pilot is suffering from any of these factors then it is recommended that the flight be canceled
The Training Factor seek to assess the principle of training systems. It give an understanding of the relationship of human centered training systems. Also, computer use in training, simulation, and virtual reality were discussed and their use. In aviation, pilots and controllers used virtual computer simulations to reenact emergency to increase knowledge and reaction times
Lastly, Team performance module discusses what makes teams effective and what make teams effective in safety-critical environments such as aviation. In aviation, this is where Cockpit and Crew resource management is discussed how it reduces incident and accidents and is critical to safety.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Recording and Reporting
How is safety data recorded and reported? To help increases safety, it is beneficial to look further into the investigation of accidents and incidents (near accidents). The accident and its investigation remain the most conspicuous sourse of insight and information to accident prevention. Hazards are revealed and remedied. Safety recommendations are made and upheld. The use of aviation safety recording and reporting systems have been used to help increase safety overall. There are several different reporting and recording system and each have similarities yet uniqueness. All data is gathered by FAA, the research and special programs administration(RSPA), the NTSB, and NASA.
- Mandatory Incident Reporting System- The rule is "if in doubt, report." System is used to report mandatory incident. They report mainly technical (hydraulic loss) and not human-factor incidents
- Voluntary Incident Reporting System- Is Voluntary and all (pilot, ATC, etc) are invited to report any data that involve hazards, discrepancies, and deficiencies. Usually a third party is used to gather info secure confidentiality.
- FAA Accident Incident Data System- Both FAA and NTSB collect data; however, the NTSB alone determine probable causes. The FAA is responsible for corrective action. This reported data contain incident data that do not meet the aircraft damage or human injury thresholds established by NTSB. The system is more accessible to FAA for personnel daily. FAA examines air traffic incident data only
- Enforcement Information System- Used primarily for administrative purposes and keeps track of history of each Enforcement case. Only closed cases are available to public due to the sensitivity of data. Only system that allows input directly from field offices.
- Service Difficulty Reporting System- Reports the mechanical reliability of aircraft and components. All reports are in paper form. This system is useful in detecting short-term safety problems. Sends out airworthiness directive, warning, or alert.
- Air Operator Data System-Consolidates vital data from within the FAA. This is used by aviation standards personnel to gather info about air carriers and other operators and the stucture of fleets and facilities. This system provides the opportunity for analyzing certain air carrier operating practices industrywide.
- Aviation Safety Analysis System-Provides information for airworthiness data, regulatory data, operational data, organizational information.
- Associate Administrator for Air Traffic-Monitor every report on operational errors, mid near collisions, and pilot deviations
- Near Midair Collisions System Database(NMACS)-Report incidents were possibility of collision could have occured less than 500 feet apart. Is voluntary.
- Air Traffic Activity Database-Provides system wide traffic data. Data is encoded by Boeing Computer systems where it is processed and cross checked. Is not for analysis or storage but as preparing summary reports.
- Aviation Safety Reporting System- Is administered by NASA and is voluntary but FAA funded
- National Airspace Incident Monitoring System- An automated system containing near-midair collisions, operational error, and pilot deviation database.
- Near-Midair Collision Database- Near midair collisions filed and investigated by FAA within 90 day.
- Operational Error Database- Involves loss of legal flight separation attributted to the ATC system is in operational error. Reports are filed be ATC 48 hours after event.
- Pilot Deviation Database- Reports pilot deviations to flight standard office from ATC
- The Bureau of Transportation Statistics- Applies to airlines that operate with 30 or more seats. This unit analyzes data on the nation's transportations system.
- NASA Aviation Safety Reporting System- Is voluntary and confidential and is funded by the FAA and administered by NASA, and maintained by Battelle Laboratories. This is a system where pilots, controllers, and others can submit accounts of safety-related aviation incidents.
- NTSB Accident/Incident Reporting System- Has preliminary reports that are filed 5 working days and factual reports can take months. Computer Searches are possible. Accidents are categorized by the first occurrence in the sequence of events that led to the accident.
- Air Carrier Statics Database- Provides a measures for exposure data such as departures, hours, and miles.
- Automatic Recording System- Flight data recorder or cockpit voice recorder are filed here
- International Reporting System- International exchange of accident and incident data to all international participants
- ICAO ADREP system- database of worldwide accident and incident information for large commercial aircraft.
- OSHA recording and reporting-Requires all employer to report occupational deaths, injuries, and illnesses on Forms 300 and 301.
- EPA Recording and Reporting- Receives reports hazardous substance spill or pollution to air, water, and soil
FAA: Improving the Safety of Flight
The FAA has been effective in improving safety within airline carriers by providing the following services.
- Safety regulation-Regulations and standards relating to the manufacture, operation, and maintenance of aircraft. FAA is responsible for rating and certification of airmen and for certification of airports serving air carriers
- Airspace and air traffic management-Maintaining a safe and efficient airspace is a priority. The FAA operates airport towers, air route control centers, and flight service stations. In addition, it develops air traffic rules and provide security control of air traffic to meet national defense requirements.
- Air navigation facilities-The FAA has be responsible for the installation and maintaining of visual and electronic aids and all quality assurance for these type of facilities. In addition, voice/data communication equipment, radar facilities, computer systems, and visual display equipment at flight service stations
- Civil aviation abroad-The FAA exchange information with foreign aviation agency in an effort to exchange aeronautical information dealing with the following subjects: certifying foreign repair shops, airmen, and mechanics, providing technical assistance and training, negotiating bilateral airworthiness agreements, and providing technical representation at international conferences.
- Commercial space transportation-The FAA licenses all commercial space launch facilities and private sector launching centers and regulate space payloads on expendable launch vehicles
- Research, engineering, and development-The FAA does research in engineering and other areas to improve better safety and efficiency of air navigation and air traffic control. Research is also done in aeromedical areas and supports improvement to aircraft, engines, and equipment.
- Other programs- FAA utilizes a system for registering aircraft and recording document. Aviation insurance program and development for specification for aeronautical charts
A Chronology of the FAA laws
Some of the early roots of aviation came before the early years of World War I. War pilots returned home with a surplus of war aircraft and put them to good use. Some pilots used the planes for barnstorming the country and gave local rides to citizens others were used for aerobatic shows. Then about the mid-1920s, pilots then began using planes for adverting, aerial photography, crop dusting, and carry of illegal shipments of liqueur. The efforts to carry passengers where small since it only catered to wealthy people. In addition, planes were also used to carry mail at an expedited time compared to rail and horse. Here are some major milestones in laws and events that have evolved the FAA into what it is now.
- Air Mail Act of 1925- The U.S. Air mail service saw the value in using planes to carry mail over long distance in less amount of time. In an effort to boost safety, the Post Office required pilots to have at least 500 hours of time. It was a dangerous job; however, in 1924 since the Post Office used its regulatory requirements, the Post office only had one fatality for every 463,000 miles compared to other commercial aviation that had a rate of one fatality for 13,500. A big improvement! In 1925, the Air Mail Act of 1925 was passed. It purposes was too allow the Post Office to transfer mail to private carriers. Mail was passengers were carried together; however, it was more profitable to carry mail until payment was paid by weight carried.
- Air Commerce Act 1926- This was passed in an effort to minimize accidents and give confidence to the public that aviation is safe. The act created the Aeronautics Branch in the Department of Commerce which duty was to guarantee aircraft airworthiness, licensing pilots, make and enforcing safety rules, certificating aircraft, establishing airways, operate navigation aids, and accident investigation. The system improved safety and it was found in 1930 and 1932 that the fatality rate of 100 million passengers miles declined by 50 percent. In addition in 1934, pilot were restricted to 100 hours per month, 1000 hour during 12 months period, 30 hours for and 7 day period, 8 hours for any 24 hour period, and a 24 hour rest period every every 7 -day period. These restrictions are almost used the same today! Lastly, requirements made framework rules for the composition of flight crews, established standard for schools, improved takeoff and landing procedures, set minimum flight altitudes, weather restrictions, and the requirement for multiengine aircraft to being capable of flying with only one engine.
- Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938-This formed the Civil Aeronautics Authority with gave government the role authority in regulating airline fares and what routes carriers would serve. In 1940, the agency was split by President FDR into the Civil Aeronautics Administration(CAA) and the Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB). The CAA was in charge of ATC, airman, aircraft certification, safety enforcement, and airway development. The CAB was in charge of safety regulation, accident investigation, and economic regulation of airlines. As you can see, these are the administrations that have helped parent the NTSB and FAA today.
- Federal Aviation Act of 1958- This transfered all the CAA functions to the new Federal Aviation Agency. Air safety regulations were tranfers from CAB to FAA. This gave the FAA responsibility for civil military system.
- U.S Dept of Transportation (DOT) 1966- this brought together all air and surface transport federal agencies together. This caused the Federal Aviation Agency name to be changed to Federal Aviation Administration. The FAA administrator would now report to the secretary of transportation, not the president. The NTSB then took over CAB and merged into DOT.
- Airline Deregulation Act of 1978- phased out the CAB
- Airport and Airway Improvement Act of 1982-make funds available for airport improvement and help pay for Noise Abatement Act of 1979
- Aviation Safety and Capacity Expansion Act of 1990- authorized passenger facility charge to support fund of airport related projects that preserve safety, security, and reduce noise
- Commuter Safety Initiative- all plane with 10 or more passengers and all turbo jets must operate under FAR part 121. This set the record straight for dispatch requirements, retirement age, new flight duty time, manual for all personnel, all cabin safety, maintenance duty limits, and new equipment standards for 10-19 seat planes(exit markings, radar, locking of doors, fire protection, etc)
- September 11, 2001 and post- Department of Homeland security was formed. This removed the FAA from the majority of its security functions. In an effort of praise, the FAA grounded all flights during 9/11/2001 and several days after in an effort to secure our national airspace from further terrorist attacks.
- Future?- It is popular with many airlines to have a Safety Management System (SMS) seal of approval from FAA. It is an extracurricular safety program used to promote popularity among customers because the airline with holds a safety seal of approval.